dr.jim meehan Dr. Meehan Discusses Evidence on Public Mask Wearing

An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful

Key Points
  • Decades of the highest-level scientific evidence (meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials) overwhelmingly conclude that medical masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including SAR-CoV-2.
  • Those arguing for masks are relying on low-level evidence (observational retrospective trials and mechanistic theories), none of which are powered to counter the evidence, arguments, and risks of mask mandates.
  • The majority of the population is at very low to almost no risk of severe or lethal disease from CoVID-19. Children are at an extraordinarily low risk of dying from CoVID-19. Based on CDC published data, 99.99815% of children that contract CoVID-19 survive.
  • Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among children in schools and day-cares is very rare.
  • Masks worn properly are well documented to cause harm to their wearers. Masks worn improperly, re-used, or contaminated are dangerous.
  • Any reasonable risk to benefit analysis of medical masks concludes that the risks overwhelmingly outweigh the benefits.
  • Children are at imminent risk of harm from mask mandates.

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dr. jim meehan no masks
Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks

During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health experts began telling us to follow a number of disease mitigation strategies that sounded reasonably scientific, but actually had little or no support in the scientific literature. Community wearing of masks was one of the more dangerous recommendations from our confused public health experts.

  • The Pandemic of Bad Science and Public Health Misinformation on Community Wearing of Masks
  • Quarantining Healthy People – A Failed Experiment
  • Community Wearing of Masks is a Bad Recommendation
  • Medical Masks are Bad for Health
  • Face masks decrease oxygen, increase carbon dioxide, and alter breathing in ways that increase susceptibility and severity of CoVID-19
  • SARS CoV-2 becomes more dangerous when blood oxygen levels decline
  • Lack of Scientific Evidence for Community Wearing of Face Masks
  • The “Hamster Study” is an example of weak science used to support bad recommendations
  • Public Health Experts Are Confused and Contradictory on Masks
  • CDC supports homemade cloth masks…but the science does not
  • What the CDC and WHO should have said about when and how to wear medical masks
  • Experts Speak Out

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Hydroxychloroquine as Treatment for COVID-19 and 40+ Other Diseases

The rediscovery of drugs like hydroxychloroquine should awaken everyone to the problem with Big Pharma’s control over the medical system, science, and public health agencies.

Below is a short list of the clinical conditions, diseases, and cancers for which I found well designed studies that demonstrated reasonably solid evidence for the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a therapeutic (by itself and in combination with other drugs). This list is by no means exhaustive. There is far more evidence out there. I stopped reviewing the studies after exhausting myself on less than a hundred of the thousands of studies available.

Many of these studies conclude that the safety and efficacy evidence is so strong that confirmatory studies must urgently be performed. And yet, our public health agencies, CDC, NIH, WHO, etc., appear to have largely ignored the call and failed to fund the studies that only they can…and which pharma has every reason and billions of dollars to make sure they don’t.

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dr. jim meehan covid care
Early Outpatient Treatment and Prophylaxis Protocols for Viral Illness

As we approach the conclusion of a full year under the cloud of the CoVID-19 pandemic, it is apparent that the American medical-hospital-industrial-complex has tragically and shamefully failed to properly treat patients with CoVID-19. The medical establishment’s “standard of care” CoVID treatments are abject failures…

The pandemic failures of the medical-industrial-complex are a direct result of the pharmaceutical industry’s command and control of governmental agencies (AMA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, WHO, etc., public health puppets) Fauci, Redfield, Birx, etc., and the slavish devotion of the mainstream and social media to censor all scientific evidence that dares to counter the pharma corruptive narrative. Because the world is being intentionally deprived of the scientific evidence (see Database of all HCQ COVID-19 studies) that clearly demonstrates the safety and effectiveness of low-cost life saving therapeutics (e.g., ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc), millions of lives have been lost to a pandemic that could have ended in May of 2020.

The following information is adapted from multiple sources, clinical research studies, the work of Vladimir Zelenko, MD, (et al), the work of Richard Bartlett, MD, and the work and outstanding research of the Front Line CoVID-19 Critical Care Alliance prophylaxis and treatment protocols for CoVID-19…

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