Dr. Scott Jensen Speaks Up on Twitter

(Dr. Jensen is a Minnesota State Senator)

“I share this information with you to remind you of how fluid thing are, how much we don’t know.
Governor Walz shared today that he has a new scenario, a new projection, a new model. And this one is calling for 29,000 deaths. By some folks’ calculation, this would indicate that he has already saved 41,000 lives, because originally there had been a projection of 70,000 deaths. Please, let’s not fall for this political ploy. This is what we do, we run victory laps. We create victories so that we can run victory laps. When I heard that we were projected to have 70,000 deaths a few weeks ago, I didn’t buy it then. And when I hear that we’re going to have 29,000 deaths I think alright I gotta kick that one around, I gotta put that into my foundation of understanding. But when I hear that someone might think we’ve already saved 41,000 lives that just ticks me off…

“Going forward the most important thing Minnesotans can do, is to try to not lock into one given opinion. Stay open, stay engaged, try to understand why the other person doesn’t see it the way you do. And then maybe try to persuade them of your perspective if you choose.”

minnesota senator dr. scott jensen