Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot

Natural Blaze, January 5 2021

With reports this morning of another otherwise-healthy patient dying suddenly after receiving her first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, many skeptics in both Europe and the US still have serious reservations about the jabs, even as big pharma and their allies in the US and British governments insist that they are 100% safe…

“Through Dec. 22, with fewer than 1 million doses of the #Covid vaccine given, @cdcgov’s vaccine injury reporting system received 307 reports of ER visits and 17 “life threatening” events. Per dose, that’s roughly 50 times the rate of adverse events from the flu vaccine…”
~ Alex Berenson Tweet, Jan.4 2021

Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot